Dear Friend:
We hope this note finds you and your families healthy and safe. During this unprecedented time in our history what was once normal is no longer. Usually at this time of year Izote would be sending out invites to our Spring Dinner Dance at Havana Central. We will miss all your wonderful faces and sharing time with you. We very much appreciate all your support throughout the years.
Currently we have a specific objective to raise $10,000 for a much-needed instrument called a YAG Laser. This instrument permanently corrects blurred vision that is a common residual effect of cataract surgery. It also is a vital treatment of glaucoma and retinal problems that are quite common in El Salvador. There is only one YAG Laser in a public hospital in all of El Salvador and that is in the capital. A YAG Laser at San Pedro Hospital in Usulután, where our Salvadoran partner, Dr. Rafael Lopez, does all the surgeries, would transform the level of care available for people of limited means in Usulután and the surrounding rural areas.
It is amazing how much of an impact Izote ’s work has made so far in helping this hospital create a self-sustaining center for vision care. We know first hand from the patients how much Izote ‘s efforts have changed their lives by restoring their vision.
In lieu of our fundraiser this year we ask if you can find in your hearts to donate without the Cuban sandwich and margaritas. We have a very generous donor who will match a certain portion of all donations made. So, go to and please donate and help give the gift of sight to many.
Stay well
Your friends at Izote