Dear Friends of Izote,  

As a supporter of Izote you know that beginning in 2011 we created, and then incrementally enhanced, the eye surgery unit at San Pedro Hospital in Usulutan, El Salvador.

Since its inception, over 1,200 sight-restoring surgeries have been performed, thanks to the dedication of the Salvadoran ophthalmologists we partner with and their team of ophthalmic nurses. 

Our last email fundraising initiative enabled us to provide a YAG Laser so that the patients at San Pedro Hospital are now receiving the quality post-operative cataract surgery care that is routine in the USA. 

This would not have been possible without your generosity.  

However, our unit still lacks a retinal laser which is the standard instrument used in the fight against glaucoma and diabetic eye disease.. 

Our current objective is to raise $7,000 for a retinal laser. 

As glaucoma and diabetes are endemic in the region, the retinal laser would transform the level of ophthalmic care available for people of limited means in Usulután and the surrounding rural areas.

It is gratifying to see the positive impact Izote has made at this public hospital. We know firsthand from the patients how much Izote's efforts have changed their lives. With your help we will continue improving the ability to give the gift of sight to many more patients at San Pedro Hospital.

To make a donation towards the purchase of this much-needed retinal laser, please click here.

Your ongoing interest and support are greatly appreciated!

Warm Regards,


The Gift of Sight

The Gift of Sight

Dear Friends of Izote,


This has been a productive time for Izote and we would like you to know how much your support is accomplishing.

We recently completed an eye surgery trip to El Salvador with three doctors from the U.S., including our board member Dr. Robert Appel. The U.S. doctors worked alongside Dr. Rafael Lopez, the surgeon at San Pedro hospital and his team, performing over 60 surgeries in less than a week. Izote addresses the high demand for surgical eye care in this region and provides relief for patients who might not otherwise receive care when they need it.

This picture shows the facility that Izote has been able to equip at San Pedro hospital with your generous donations. We couldn’t do this without you!

If you would like to continue to support Izote’s work in El Salvador please click here to donate. Your ongoing interest and generosity is greatly appreciated.

Warmest regards and best wishes for a joyful New Year. 



Books Delivered

Books Delivered

Dear Friends of Izote, 

We would like to share that Izote has funded the addition of 600 new books across the six schools in our sponsored literacy program in El Salvador.

The delivery of the books was received with excitement by students and teachers alike! In addition to the books, each school received training for their teachers and guidance for maintaining an effective library program.

We cannot emphasize enough how essential your donations have been for the creation and success of our children’s literacy program and other projects in El Salvador.

If you would like to continue to support Izote’s work in El Salvador please click here to donate. Your ongoing interest and generosity is greatly appreciated!

Warmest regards and best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.  

YAG Laser arrived

YAG Laser arrived

We are pleased to let you know that the YAG Laser arrived safely at San Pedro Hospital in early October.  This essential piece of equipment is present in all ophthalmology practices in the USA, yet there is only one other available in the entire public hospital system of El Salvador.   

In a procedure that takes only minutes, the YAG permanently corrects the blurred vision that is a common complication of post-cataract surgery. The YAG also provides a vital tool for the treatment of glaucoma and retinal problems. Izote raised $10,000 and cleared many hurdles to provide this equipment.

Many thanks to the Izote community for your donations and support!

Yag Fundraiser

Yag Fundraiser

Dear Friend:

We hope this note finds you and your families healthy and safe. During this unprecedented time in our history what was once normal is no longer.  Usually at this time of year Izote would be sending out invites to our Spring Dinner Dance at Havana Central. We will miss all your wonderful faces and sharing time with you. We very much appreciate all your support throughout the years.

 Currently we have a specific objective to raise $10,000 for a much-needed instrument called a YAG Laser. This instrument permanently corrects blurred vision that is a common residual effect of cataract surgery. It also is a vital treatment of glaucoma and retinal problems that are quite common in El Salvador. There is only one YAG Laser in a public hospital in all of El Salvador and that is in the capital. A YAG Laser at San Pedro Hospital in Usulután, where our Salvadoran partner, Dr. Rafael Lopez, does all the surgeries, would transform the level of care available for people of limited means in Usulután and the surrounding rural areas.

 It is amazing how much of an impact Izote ’s work has made so far in helping this hospital create a self-sustaining center for vision care. We know first hand from the patients how much Izote ‘s efforts have changed their lives by restoring their vision.

 In lieu of our fundraiser this year we ask if you can find in your hearts to donate without the Cuban sandwich and margaritas. We have a very generous donor who will match a certain portion of all donations made. So, go to and please donate and help give the gift of sight to many.


Stay well



Ophthalmic Surgery Unit

Ophthalmic Surgery Unit

San Pedro Hospital in Usulutan, El Salvador at Izote founded ophthalmic surgery unit. Over 700 people have had sight restored. 48 more people had sight restored this December thanks to Izote visiting docs alongside Dr. Lopez Bermudez.  


Launch a Library 9th Annual Ladies Luncheon

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Launch a Library 9th Annual Ladies Luncheon

Wine and Dine at the 9th Annual Izote Ladies Luncheon for our Literacy Project

Date: November 9, 2019

Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Location: Havana Central - Roosevelt Field
630 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY 11530 

Cost: Wine & Dine: $65 

Kindly RSVP by November 1, 2019

Please pay in advance at the website or make your check payable for Izote and  mail to: Izote c/o Barbara Dubin 9 Old Estate Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542

For any questions or further information please call: Barbara Dubin / 516-606-8185 

For those who cannot attend, your donations are greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible. 


Spring Into Action

Spring Into Action

An Evening for Izote

Spring Into Action

Join us for drinks, dancing and Cuban fare

Friday, June 14, 2019

7:30-10:30 PM

Havana Central – Roosevelt Field

630 Old Country Road,

Garden City, NY 11530

$70 per person

*includes two bar drinks

and casual Cuban finger-food

*additional Cash Bar available

Tickets may be purchased online


Or make check payable to Izote and mail to:

Izote c/o Barbara Dubin

9 Old Estate Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542

For any questions or further information please call: Barbara Dubin  516-606-8185

If you can’t attend, (or if you would ever like to make an additional contribution), your donations are greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible.


To be removed from emails about this event, email:

Launch a Library 8th Annual Ladies Luncheon

Launch a Library 8th Annual Ladies Luncheon

Wine and Dine at the 8th Annual Izote Ladies Luncheon for our Literacy Project

Date: October 27, 2018

Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Location: Havana Central - Roosevelt Field
630 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY 11530 

Cost: Wine & Dine: $65 

Kindly RSVP by October 17, 2018

Please pay in advance at the website or make your check payable for Izote and  mail to: Izote c/o Barbara Dubin 9 Old Estate Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542

For any questions or further information please call: Barbara Dubin / 516-606-8185 

For those who cannot attend, your donations are greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible. 


Thanks to Rhein Medical

Thanks to Rhein Medical

A heartfelt thanks from Izote to RHEIN MEDICAL, INC. for their vital donation of new ophthalmic surgery instruments for our ophthalmic surgery unit at San Pedro Hospital in Usulutan

Monthly Report

Monthly Report

The Izote founded Mns Romero Community Library in San Hilario has become a vital resource for the local students who now are able to bring books into their homes.


The library serves as a lending library, homework center and a place for students to work together on group projects.  Reading levels of the students in the local communities have risen now that the students have access to books and a study space.


Chorro Abajo Primary School in Izalco, El Salvador, is transformed by the Izote sponsored library. May 21, 2015, Ribbon Cutting for the newly constructed library that had been housed in a corner of the principal's office at the onset!



'Night for Sight' Volcano Dinner Dance

March 21st, 2015 4th Annual 'Night for Sight' Volcano Dinner Dance a Success!

San Pedro Hospital Cataract Surgery Unit continues to thrive thanks to all our supporters! 

Launch A Library

Our 4th Annual Launch A Library on October 25, 2014 was a great success! Thanks to all who contributed to our campaign for improving literacy in El Salvador,